A mural painted on the wall of a Nogales, Mexico restaurant
We are pleased to present information about professional dental services in Nogales, Mexico.

Following is a table with information linked to sources that contain more information about the highlighted Nogales dentistry topics. As you navigate through the interrelated information, you will be able to find information about a particular dental problem that you may be experiencing.

And for that dental problem, you can learn more about the area of dentistry and the specialists in Nogales who practice that specialty, related options for treating the problem, and a general price range for those treatments.

As always, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for improvement, please contact us.



Dental ProblemArea of DentistryTreatment Options and
Price Range
CavitiesGeneral dentistryDental fillings
Dental bonding
Tooth decayGeneral dentistry
Restorative dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry
Dental fillings
Dental bonding
Dental crowns
Tooth extraction
Damaged teeth
(cracked, chipped...)
Cosmetic dentistry
Restorative dentistry
Dental fillings
Dental bonding
Dental veneers
Gaps and malformed teethCosmetic dentistry
Restorative dentistry
Dental bonding
Dental crowns
Dental veneers
Missing teethCosmetic dentistry
Restorative dentistry
Oral Surgery
Dental implant
Dental bridge
Crooked or misaligned teeth, biteOrthodonticsBraces
Discolored teethGeneral dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry
Dental bonding
Dental veneers
Gum diseasePeriodonticsTooth extraction
Periodontal treatment
Infected pulp tissue inside toothEndodonticsRoot canal
Tooth extraction
Crowded mouth, extra teeth, impacted teethGeneral dentistry
Oral Surgery
Tooth extraction
Nogales Dentists Directory is your best source of dentistry information for Nogales Sonora Mexico. We do not accept every dentist in Nogales on our listings, because there are some Nogales dentists that are, quite frankly, not up to international standards of dentistry. And this especially presents a problem because it is very difficult, if not impossible, to sue a Mexican dentist. That is one reason why Nogales dentist services are less expensive, because the Nogales dentists do not have to pay malpractice insurance like American dentists. Still, there are many fine Nogales Mexico dentists, and Nogales Mexico is a great place to get a Nogales teeth cleaning, Nogales dentures, root canal, dental veneers, dental fillings, braces from Nogales orthodontists, Nogales cosmetic dentistry, dental crowns, and basically any type of family dentist care in Nogales. And do not forget to check our prices for Nogales dental services!